Saturday, August 17, 2013

How it began...

We have always contemplated adoption because it is such an amazing picture of the Gospel. God loves us so much he sent Jesus to live a perfect life and then die on the cross so we can be adopted into his family forever.

This idea of adoption grew stronger after 2 difficult pregnancies. We seriously talked and prayed about it last summer, we bought a book, reached out to an agency, but felt our plate was full. We both were confident we didn't want to shut the door, but just didn't feel it was time to pursue it. So that was that. We said, unless it falls in our lap, let's just wait.

Fast forward a year... Daniel heads off to Singapore with his sister to visit his brother and his family. They have an amazing time, and he comes back with his schedule out of whack. The result... he is up early every morning, with ample time to spend with the Lord. This was the week of July 15, 2003.

Just about every day that week, Daniel kept saying, "Jennie, I am not sure what the Lord is leading me too, but he is preparing me for something, so be ready." Ok.... :)

7/21/2013 - Our church, The Summit, hosts Tony Merida, who preaches a sermon titled "Adoption - Pondering The Privileges". One of the best sermons on Adoption, both the physical adoptions of orphans and the spiritual aspects of Christ's adoption of us into his eternal family. (Sermon can be seen here - just search for Tony as the speaker).

The heart stirring begins, particularly in Daniel....

7/25/2013 - We reach out to the adoption ministry at The Summit to get some questions answered. We are super encouraged by the response. We learn about a number of adoption agencies. 

7/28/2013 - Our pastor, JD Greear, preaches on the call of Elisha from 1 Kings 19:19-21 and 2 Kings 2:1-14.  The three main points: 1) The path to "something greater" goes through the valley of surrender, sacrifice, and service; 2) The possibilities of "something greater" are realized only through bold acts of faith; 3) The power to pursue "somethings greater" is found in the heavenly vision. He challenges us to "Put your Yes on the table." Daniel is all in. Jennie (me)... still dragging my feet a little because life is crazy, I am in the midst of seeking the first job change I have had in 6 years, and well, we had just said we would wait so my head said we were still waiting. HA... God loves to draw us near when we are stubborn.... I keep praying... Daniel dives into adoption research head on.

7/28-29/2013 - Daniel through all his research comes across the Haiti program through America World Adoption. Things line up - must be 35 (we both turn 35 in the next 6-8 months), you have to married 10 years (we hit that in October), you can't have more than 2 biological children, and the travel time is one of the shortest we have seen. This is it, it just is.

7/30/2013 - Daniel is encouraged even more as he calls America World Adoption and has many questions answered. Later that day, Daniel heads off to officiate basketball and Jennie takes the girls to small group. Jennie asks everyone to pray because well, we may just be about to begin the process to adopt a little one from Haiti (though I acknowledge I am still being a bit stubborn). Ha. Enter God's QUICK answer to the prayers of the faithful.

7/31/2013 - To give you background, we met a little girl in Mia Grace's preschool class named Selah last year and Daniel fell in love with the name. He has always jokingly said he "missed his chance" to name one of our daughters that. So, forward on to this day. I am up doing my quick morning You Version mobile devotional in the "Parenting by Design Daily Devotion". Enter God smacking me upside the head... the premise of the devotion - Eternity Minded Living. The last line "Let your actions be a reflection of your true purpose on earth". The verses Psalm 39:4-5. Last word - SELAH!!!  Now let me mention that I have seen the psalms plenty in the devotions but NEVER with the word Selah. It was settled, I got it, this is what He wants me to say yes to, wants us to say yes to...

8/2/2013 - Daniel meets Eric (our Small Group leader) at 6:00am to pray, as they try to do every Friday.  He tells Eric he is sure God is calling us to adopt from Haiti but unsure of whether to adopt a girl or boy. Later that morning, Daniel runs into Selah at the park...crazy as he has never seen her in public. We decide to request a girl on the application but know things could change.

8/4/2013 - Prayed with our campus pastor, RJ Hoggard, after church about our desire to adopt a child from Haiti. Later that night we submit our adoption application online.

8/8/2013 - Daniel receives a phone call from America World Adoption informing us our adoption application has been accepted. How is that for a fast response!

And so the journey begins... we will soon chronicle the other confirmations that abundantly fell in our laps the days immediately following but here we go!

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